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HAARP CONTROLLED WEATHER WARS DROUGHT, HEAT WAVE : You need to what is coming & why ! YouTubef.flv

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Haarp Weather machine

    This will far exceed the devastation of 9/11.

    The magnitude of this effect will lead us right into World War III....

    Wait a second think about the greatest misc


    This will far exceed the devastation of 9/11.

    The magnitude of this effect will lead us right into World War III....

    Wait a second think about the greatest misconceptions held by the Masses when they believed .

    The earth is flat & the sun circles the earth,if man was supposed to fly God would have gave him wings, only God can control the weather.

    Click on the link for more information about controlled weather.

    www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1207.cfm .other news archives

    n1198, n1345, n1352, n1694, & n1697

    Undoubtedly, you can think of many more examples of false flag operations,but you get my point that something is afoot with with our weather.


  • # Haarp Weather machine
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