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Schoolgirls (Enslaved) For Sale & Sex Brags Grinning Boko Haram Leader 5/6/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on May 6, 2014


    "In a video message apparently made by the leader of the Nigerian Islamis


    Published on May 6, 2014


    "In a video message apparently made by the leader of the Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls nearly three weeks ago, called them slaves and threatened to "sell them in the market, by Allah."

    "Western education should end," Mr.

    Shekau said in the 57-minute video, speaking in Hausa and Arabic.

    "Girls, you should go and get married." The Islamist leader also warned that he would "give their hands in marriage because they are our slaves.

    We would marry them out at the age of 9.

    We would marry them out at the age of 12."

    The message was received by news agencies in Nigeria on Monday and is similar to previous videos purportedly from Boko Haram."* Ana Kasparian, Michael Shure (Al Jazeera America), and Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) break it down on The Young Turks.

  • # Nigeria# Islamist
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