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FULL SHOW: Trump sues to stop count & Biden nears 270

  • Uploaded 4 years ago in the category White House

    The US presidential race remains tight, with votes being counted in Georgia and North Carolina, two crucial swing states.

    Meantime, late Tuesday night, Florida


    The US presidential race remains tight, with votes being counted in Georgia and North Carolina, two crucial swing states.

    Meantime, late Tuesday night, Florida was called for President Donald Trump.

    RT America’s John Huddy has the latest from Miami.

    Meanwhile, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden continues to carry a lead in key states.

    He addressed the public earlier, and said he is confident he will be the winner of the 2020 election.

    RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports.

    But Trump says he is suing to temporarily stop the vote count in Pennsylvania, claiming a “lack of transparency.” RT America's Trinity Chavez has the story.

    Plus, what road is available for President Donald Trump now that Joe Biden is now close to the 270 mark and Trump is suing the state of Pennsylvania to stop vote counting? Scottie Nell Hughes, host of “News.Views.Hughes,” and Holland Cooke, host of “The Big Picture,” dive in.


  • # Elections
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