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FDA Has Turned Us Into Hypochondriacs

  • Uploaded 9 years ago in the category Drug Safety News

    Published on Nov 30, 2015
    The United States is one of only two countries in the world that allows drug companie


    Published on Nov 30, 2015
    The United States is one of only two countries in the world that allows drug companies to market their products directly to consumers.

    For the last 18 years, our TV airwaves have been dominated by commercials telling us that if we feel sad, if we feel sick, if we feel anything at all – then we need to take a magic pill from Big Pharma to make all of our worries melt away.

    A magic, by the way, pill that has been marked up by as much as twenty thousand percent.
    Amazon - Ring of Fire partnership link: www.amazon.com/?tag=rinoffir-20

  • # FDA# Drug Companies# Pharmacy
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