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(Vatican) recalls ambassador in Dominican Republic amid accusations of child abuse 6/28/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 28, 2014


    he Vatican has recalled its ambassador to the Dominican Republic after he wa


    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 28, 2014


    he Vatican has recalled its ambassador to the Dominican Republic after he was accused of sexually molesting boys

    A spokesman for the Catholic church in the Dominican Republic, Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, said that "The law is for everyone" and there was no excuse for anyone who violated the law, "not citizenship, not faith, not creed, not politics, not religion", saying again "The law is for all."

    Wesolowski will be investigated over the charges of paedophilia by the Holy See as well as by prosecutors in the Dominican Republic.

  • # Vatican
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user 800 priest condemn from the vatican so far since 2013 for child molestation