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Central Park Five get $40M from NYC for (Freedom) 6/28/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jun 28, 2014

    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 28, 2014


    After spending years in prison for a rape they


    Published on Jun 28, 2014

    PUBLISHED ON JUNE 28, 2014


    After spending years in prison for a rape they did not commit, the Central Park Five have reached a $40 million settlement agreement with New York City.

    Michelle Miller reports.

  • # Freedom
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user I remember when this happened detectives lied and said they were together, when they never met, the detectives lied again stating they confessed, when they did not, this is what you go through everyday as a minority, crooked detectives want the case to be closed so bad they are willing to make up evidence, your word against a law bidding officer I think not. Happy to see they got 40 million, But no word on the detectives being disciplined how sad.