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Chuck Todd: Cantor's Loss Proof 'Immigration Will Tear (GOP) Apart' 6/11/14

  • Uploaded 10 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jun 11, 2014


    Chuck Todd: Cantor's Loss Proof 'Immigration Will Tear GOP Apart'



    Published on Jun 11, 2014


    Chuck Todd: Cantor's Loss Proof 'Immigration Will Tear GOP Apart'

    MSNBC chief political analyst Chuck Todd said last night's surprise defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was proof that the issue of immigration reform is the problem the Republican Party can't solve.

    "We've seen immigration almost destroy John McCain's candidacy," Todd said.

    "Arguably it did; he revived it because nobody could fill the gap back in '08.

    We saw immigration basically end Rick Perry.

    It's how Romney survived a conservative challenge.

    How much more evidence do we need that immigration will absolutely tear the Republican Party apart whenever they're dealing with it as an issue inside their party?"

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    "They're going to have to have a strong leader that knows how to articulate the vision on why we need comprehensive immigration reform," host Joe Scarborough said.

    "You look at the polls and there are a lot of Republicans out there that actually believe we need immigration reform."

    "But if the definition of amnesty is some day, somebody who got here illegally could some day in twenty years become a citizen, if that is the definition of amnesty inside the Republican Party and the base, how do you do it?" Todd asked.

    "Well, Chuck, I do not think — and I may be standing alone here — but I do not think that's what last night said," Todd said.

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