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'World must stop US HR violations' (nypd)

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category Police Brutality


    An American human rights activist says that the international community should stop the US' human rights violations against its African-American



    An American human rights activist says that the international community should stop the US' human rights violations against its African-American society.

    The comments come as the New York Police Department (NYPD) has declared a state of emergency in Brooklyn amid clashes with demonstrators who held a vigil for the recent shooting of an African-American teenager.

    The NYPD turned the East Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn into a 'State of Exception' on Thursday, arresting over 45 people including the sister of slain 16-year-old Kimani Gray.

    The NYPD has been criticized for its stop-and-frisk campaign, which targets black and Latino people even in low-crime areas, leading to a 'two-tiered' policing system.

    There have been several deadly shootings across the United States over the past few months, putting the issue of lax gun control laws back in the spotlight.

    Press TV has talked to Randy short, human rights activist from Washington to shed more light on the issue at hand.

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