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Florida Democrats Deliver GIANT Blow To Democracy By Cancelling Their Primary

  • Uploaded 8 months ago in the category News and Politics

    The Florida Democratic Party has cancelled the Democratic party primary election.

    Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks.



    The Florida Democratic Party has cancelled the Democratic party primary election.

    Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks.

    Read more HERE: www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/florida-democrats-want-to-cancel-their-presidential-primary/

    "On the menu today: We have made it to the last month of 2023.

    In one of the more baffling and likely self-destructive moves of the 2024 presidential cycle, the Florida Democratic Party has decided it just doesn’t need to hold a presidential primary this year.

    Now, Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips aren’t exactly political goliaths, but in a cycle where one of the Democratic messages is that your vote for the wrong candidate is a potential threat to American democracy — pause for irony — there’s something spectacularly perfect about a state party concluding that the only way to preserve democracy is to cancel an expected primary election.

    Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign has, so far, not worked out as he and his biggest supporters hoped.

    Am I supposed to pretend that hasn’t happened in order to make you feel better?

    You can argue, accurately, that barring some unexpected health issue, President Joe Biden is just about certain to be the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.

    Marianne Williamson — remember her? — is getting about 9 percent in most national polls.

    Robert F.

    Kennedy Jr.

    is off to run as an independent.

    And Dean Phillips, a relatively obscure Minnesota congressman who stepped in around the time Kennedy departed the Democratic primary, is currently at 3.5 percent in the RealClearPolitics average of recent national polling."


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    Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian.

    LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.

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