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Why Wall Street Wants to Be Your Landlord

  • Uploaded 1 year ago in the category News and Politics

    (#realestate , #realestateinvesting , #rentalproperty)
    Wall Street firms and large corporations have been buying up single family houses throughout the


    (#realestate , #realestateinvesting , #rentalproperty)
    Wall Street firms and large corporations have been buying up single family houses throughout the United States.

    Single family rental properties had long been dominated almost entirely by small landlords.

    These small real estate investors would make money in real estate by using their savings to buy a rental property.

    Large, institutional investors had used to almost invest exclusively in other types of real estate such as multifamily, industrial, and commercial.

    Recently, these large real estate investors have shown an interest in the single family rental market.

    Prominent investment firms likes Blackstone, BlackRock, and JP Morgan have had media reports talking about them buying up houses to rent out to tenants.

    Is Wall Street causing the end of the American Dream? When most people think of Wall Street, they probably think about the buying and selling of things like stocks, bonds, and commodities.

    Well, it's time people started adding something else to that list: Houses.

    In recent years, huge Wall Street firms have dove head first in the American housing market.

    These include some of the most elite Wall Street institutions like Blackstone and JP Morgan.

    In this video, we are going to analyze Wall Street's impact on the US housing market, why rich investors want to own your house, and if this is really the end of the American dream of homeownership.

  • # Wall street
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