
Google Manipulation For Hillary 00:56

Google Manipulation For Hillary

PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Just how objective are internet search engines? Is it possible that Google, a large corporation with very clear partisan support for Hillary Clinton, would manipulate search results to be in the Democratic par

How to impeach a Donald Trump 04:14

How to impeach a Donald Trump

PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM With what seems like a constant flow of controversy coming out of the White House, impeachment does not seem completely out of the realms of possibility. But what does it take to impeach a president? Has it e

Trump’s Legal Team Argues That Sexual Harassment Is Protected By 1st Amendment 05:23

Trump’s Legal Team Argues That Sexual Harassment Is Protected By 1st A

PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In case anyone has forgotten, our sitting President Of The United States, Donald Trump is still facing a sexual assault, sexual harassment lawsuit from former apprentice contestant Summer Zervos. According t

Trump Fires Lawyer Who Was Too Crazy For Rudy Giuliani's Team 03:48

Trump Fires Lawyer Who Was Too Crazy For Rudy Giuliani's Team

Sidney Powell, the Trump lawyer who said last week at a press conference that Hugo Chavez, George Soros, and the Clinton Foundation somehow rigged the election for Joe Biden is now no longer a part of the Trump legal team. Rudy Giuliani iss

Trump Refuses To Speak To Biden As Transition Begins 03:53

Trump Refuses To Speak To Biden As Transition Begins

The transition is underway, and the Biden campaign is reporting that the White House is actually cooperating with their team. Well, everyone is except for President Trump, who continues to refuse to even speak to Joe Biden. These meetings b

Rep. Thompson calls out ‘Lock her up!’ Republicans now claiming Trump’s a victim 06:26

Rep. Thompson calls out ‘Lock her up!’ Republicans now claiming Trump’

Donald Trump’s indictment being decried by Republicans who chanted ‘Lock her up!’ about Hillary Clinton are called out by Rep. Bennie Thompson. Some of these people were the ones who were hollering at Hillary Clinton, lock her up,” Thompso